Dog's age - how to correctly determine how old a dog is?

Dog's age - how to correctly determine how old a dog is?

How to estimate the age of a dog, although its past is unknown to us? When deciding to take a pet, it is undoubtedly worth knowing how old our new family member may be. This knowledge will help us choose the optimal diet, adjust the form of care to his needs and check whether our dog is growing properly. 

Age of the dog

How to determine the age of a dog?


Undoubtedly, the surest method to help determine the age of a dog is to examine the condition of the dentition of the quadruped. The first cloves begin to break out after the dog is three weeks old. They are then snow-white and very sharp. The canines, pissers, and molars appear first. Around the fourth month, premolars emerge and immediately become permanent teeth. A puppy has 28 milk teeth which are lost around five months of age. By the time he is 7 months old, the dog will undoubtedly have all 42 permanent teeth (22 teeth in the upper jaw and 20 in the lower jaw). Due to the fact that the teeth wear with age, a yellowish tartar appears on all teeth between the ages of three and five. Spontaneous tooth loss usually begins after the age of 10. The incisors fall out first, then the premolars, and the canines are the last to disappear.


Age can also be dated from the appearance of the dog. The fact that we are dealing with a senior can be proved by: hair, eyes, skin. As the years go by, your dog's eyes become somewhat cloudy, appearing to be hazy. You can see various warts on the dog's body, and the first white hairs appear in the fur. The face of a dog turns gray the fastest and most profoundly. The first appearance of gray hair may appear as early as around the age of five, therefore the amount of whiteness increases every year since then. Between the ages of eight and ten, the head may already be completely covered with gray. Of course, the signs of old age associated with changes in the appearance of a dog depend on various elements, such as: breed, size, diet, conditions and lifestyle, and the health condition of the dog. 


The age of the dog can also be determined by observing its behavior. We can see that the older the dog is, the less energy it has to play and mischief. Therefore, while walking, she no longer feels the constant need to smell and pee in every corner. He gets tired quite quickly and needs longer breaks for rest and sleep. Senior canines may have difficulty standing up, moving and lying down faster. The aging organism does not function as efficiently as it weakens the reactions to external stimuli and the animal's perception. 

The condition of the dog's teeth, the amount of gray hair on his coat or the way he behaves can help us determine the age. Remember, however, that the condition of the teeth and hair depends not only on genetics, but also on health issues, the degree of hygiene and other individual factors. So it is best if your veterinarian should make a rough estimate of your dog's age.

Dog's age, or how to convert dog years to human years?

A popular method of converting dog years to human years is to multiply the dog's age by 7. However, it is not very reliable. After all, dogs age at different rates, depending on, among other things, size, breed and external factors. However, if you are wondering how old your dog would be if it were a human, the table below will make this calculation easier.

Small dogs up to 10 kg

Medium dogs from 11 to 20 kg

Large dogs from 21 to 40 kg

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3 miesiące 3 years 8 months 3 miesiące 3 years 8 months 3 miesiące 3 years
Half an eye 7 and a half years Half an eye 7 and a half years Half an eye
women formal dress women formal dress women formal dress
3 years 3 years 3 years 24 years
64 years

The correct age of the dog. When does a dog enter adulthood?

The juvenile period begins around the twelfth week and lasts until the dog enters adulthood. We say that a dog is an adult when its growth is complete and when it reaches mental stability. While in the puppy stage dogs of different breeds grow up similarly, in their further development there are increasing differences. When a dog enters adulthood is primarily determined by its breed or, in some cases, target size. Research shows that small dogs shih tzu, yorkies or French bulldogs they grow up relatively quickly, i.e. after the tenth month of life. Dogs of large and giant breeds (e.g. golden retriever, great dane or english mastiff, St. Bernard) grow up much later, i.e. after the age of two. It should be noted that adulthood is not the same as sexual maturity.

Dogs reach sexual maturity at all ages, usually faster than psychological stabilization and the completion of growth stage. The time of the first heat in females depends primarily on the specific breed and target size of the animal. Statistically, dogs of miniature and small breeds are the fastest at sexual maturity, and the giant breeds at the latest. The speed of reaching sexual maturity is also greatly influenced by the climatic conditions and the dog's diet. Dogs living in hot climates and well-fed dogs mature faster.

When does a dog age?

Giant dogs, weighing over 40 kg, become seniors the fastest, around the age of five. Medium dogs around seven or eight. On the other hand, the smallest dogs, weighing less than 7 kg, do not reach the old age until they are ten years old. We can certainly assume, in a simplified way, that the dog's geriatric age it begins around the age of eight or ten and does not depend solely on his date of birth.

Knowing the dog's age and related needs allows you to choose the right food, accessories, the use of optimal health prophylaxis and the adjustment of appropriate physical activity. It has been shown that providing a dog with comprehensive, individually tailored care can significantly affect its life expectancy.

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