Health and happiness psais an absolute priority for every pet guardian. Prevention, early detection of diseases, proper care and taking care of safety on a daily basis are the main steps in maintaining a healthy pupil. You don't need to convince anyone, how important is knowledge and taking appropriate actions in this area.

Our faithful comrades need it sacrificing them constant attention and vigilance in the sphere of well-being, physical condition and mental performance. This is why in this tab, we have collected for you the most important information about threats to health and life ward.

We provide descriptions of common diseases: we explain what a given disease is, give symptoms, causes, treatment and measures to prevent diseases. We advise on routine safety rules, grooming treatments, proper care for a sick dog, as well as care for the good energy and mood of the pet.

We cordially invite you to our shaggy companion's health information and prophylaxis point!

Other categories of our blog: Dog breedsLiving with a dogDog training.

The dog's organism is a unique system in which many biochemical processes take place, conditioning the level of physical and intellectual development of a quadruped. The proper functioning of hormones affects the proper functioning of internal organs, the balance of the entire body and, consequently, the health and life expectancy of your pet. Unfortunately, endocrine disruptions can lead to a variety of conditions, including a complex disease such as Cushing's disease in a dog.

Down syndrome, also called trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder that can occur in humans. This change is a consequence of the production of an extra chromosome and leads to significant changes in the body that give rise to characteristic physical and mental symptoms. Although cases of this genetic defect in humans are not rare, Down syndrome is extremely rare in other species. And if you've ever wondered if dogs can also suffer from it, check out our article.

Fleas are the most common canine parasites. A pet can catch them at any time of the year, during walks or through contact with another animal. Flea infestation is not only troublesome, but also, due to the diseases they cause, is a potential threat to pets and their owners. For this reason, it becomes extremely important to provide dogs with effective protection against these unwanted guests. Fleas in a dog ... so how do you get rid of them?

The dog's nose is an exceptionally sensitive and accurate tool that helps to learn about the outside world and analyze various stimuli from the environment. It also plays a dominant role in the perception of emotional states in people and other animals. A wet, cool nose is a reflection of the processes taking place in the dog's body and is commonly considered a symptom of the dog's health and good condition. But should a dog's dry nose always be a cause for concern?

Dog demodicosis is a parasitic inflammatory skin disease of genetic or immunological origin. It is caused by mites which, as a result of excessive, pathological multiplication in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands, lead to baldness, peeling of the skin, pustules, boils, erythema and secondary infections. While it's not a life-threatening condition, it shouldn't be underestimated!

Scabies is a highly contagious parasitic disease. The disease is caused by scabies mites. The basic symptom associated with a scabies mite invasion is very severe itching, which is not seasonal. The parasite attacks, among others, people and pets, i.e. dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs. Young animals are most susceptible to the disease, although it can occur at any age. It is worth learning how to protect your pet and yourself against this dangerous disease.

Dog diarrhea is one of the most common health problems in dogs. It is not a disease in itself, but only a symptom that may occur in the course of many ailments. It can occur as a result of simple indigestion, but it can also be a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, understanding the cause of diarrhea and the ability to determine where it occurs in the intestines is crucial for the effectiveness of the therapy. 

Dog nasal spray is a highly contagious, extremely dangerous disease that can lead to irreversible changes in the body or result in the death of the animal. It is common all over the world and, together with parvovirosis, is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases among canines. While dogs can develop the disease at any age, puppies are most at risk, as well as fragile and elderly dogs. Thanks to preventive vaccinations, the incidence of distemper has been significantly reduced. Remember, however, that the virus is still in the environment and is a threat to our pets.