The dog jumps on people? See why!

The dog jumps on people? See why!

When we come home and our puppy greets us with enthusiastic jumping, we most often accept this behavior with joy. However, it quickly turns out that this problematic habit becomes very burdensome for us and the environment, and sometimes even dangerous. And then the question arises: how to stop the dog from jumping, and what is the best way to do it?

The dog jumps on people? See why!

PIes jumps at people - why?

There can be many reasons why a dog jumps at people. In order to properly interpret this embarrassing behavior, the key element is to observe the circumstances that make up this moment.

The most frequently mentioned motives for jumping are:

  • joy - the dog is happy when he sees his owner, family, guests and has difficulty keeping his excitement in check.
  • frustration, stress, anxiety - by jumping, your pet relieves internal tension (he has difficulty controlling himself).
  • jealousy - the dog uses jumping as a tool to help him get the center of attention. This behavioral phenomenon occurs most often in the case of living with other animals or the appearance of a new household member (especially an infant).
  • resentment - a four-legged friend, dissatisfied with a certain behavior of the caregiver (most often absences), allows him to feel it through violent jumping.
  • training - if the owner encourages the dog to jump, for example by stroking, offering a treat or even training, the pet will just try his new trick.
  • play - jumping can become part of the play that triggers instinctive behavior.
  • defense - jumping becomes a defensive act at the time of a potential threat.

Is it just pure joy?

Pet owners tend to interpret their pet's exuberant greeting as joy. And in most cases it is just like that, after all, the return of a beloved guardian home is an extremely happy moment. After all, we all know that life with a dog is definitely better! However, a dog may also show dissatisfaction by jumping, e.g. with the fact that it has been abandoned. This is how one tries to complain about the absence of the owner. Regardless of the reason for this behavior, it should be considered whether it is worth accepting the welcome ritual in this form. After all, gestures during a cheerful greeting can take on a less problematic and risky shape. Even if we find this kind of greeting funny at first, there may be times in the future where jumping at people will be downright dangerous.

We have to take into account various aspects: the dog is growing, gaining weight, a person may be in poor physical condition or a toddler may appear in the house. It is well known that four-legged friends show extreme emotions not only towards their owners, but also towards other household members, guests or passers-by on a walk. And while jumping is part of the dog's behavioral repertoire, it should not be tolerated. A pet may scare people it meets suddenly, stain clothes or even fall over. Consistency in teaching the dog to jump is therefore important, also for the safety of people around us. Therefore, in the case of guests and friends, it is advisable to instruct them in advance how to deal with our pet. Otherwise, such meetings may ruin the progress of our dog jumping training.

PIes Jumps On People - How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping?

First of all, you need to exercise a lot with your pet. Just like during the learning the command dog to lie downor also leaving your dog at home.

If we want to correct the behavior of our pet, it is important to correctly interpret its body language. Use this behavioral analysis to counteract jumping in a targeted manner. Here are some tips that may be useful in teaching your dog to jump:

We start learning a moment before the situation that usually triggers the pet's intention to jump, i.e. before greeting, as soon as we make eye contact.

A combination of verbal command and gesture

You should kneel down and point both hands towards the pet. Then, in a calm, friendly voice, we say the command "sit" and point our hand to the floor. If the dog sits or lies down, it is rewarded immediately. The mere prohibition on "no jump" or "don't jump" is not enough to change behavior permanently. It is important to combine a uniform verbal command (eg: "sit down", "down") with a gesture. Proper execution of the command must be profitable for the quadruped. Therefore, if he carries out the command well, he should receive praise or a favorite treat. However, if the pet jumps, we turn away from him without a word and ignore him. The dog will quickly understand that he can only count on a positive reaction from the owner if he obeys his instructions.

An alternative suggestion

When the dog is trying to jump, we offer him an alternative that distracts him from the old ritual, e.g. throwing him a ball. When a pet brings a toy, it should of course receive a prize (favorite treat) and a verbal praise. If we act consistently in this way, the dog will associate that instead of jumping there is play and will surely choose a more pleasant option.

When jumping, grab both front paws of your pet and hold them on the ground. The dog will get bored of this uncomfortable position very quickly and will immediately understand that jumping has unpleasant consequences. This type of training works best with large breeds.

Each of the above-mentioned exercises should be repeated many times. Targeted training should be friendly, based on praise and adapted to the dog's abilities. If, despite the efforts of the owner, the four-legged friend does not want to obey the orders and still behaves hyperactively, it is worth asking for help from a specialist, e.g. a dog behaviorist or a veterinarian. Sometimes the cause lies in a genetic condition, a health disorder, or an ancestral temperament.

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