Dog coughing - what does it mean? How to treat?

Dog coughing - what does it mean? How to treat?

When a dog coughs and chokes, it can be for a variety of reasons. It is usually a reflex reaction of the body to clear the airways of secretions, foreign bodies, pathogens or irritants. However, it may happen that a dog's cough indicates a health problem that requires a quick response from the owner.

Dog cough

Dog coughing - causes

Coughing is a physiological unconditional reflex, an involuntary defensive reaction of the body. Careful observation of symptoms and accompanying circumstances can provide the first clues to a preliminary diagnosis. Coughing in dogs can have a variety of causes.

Retained foreign body

If a dog suddenly coughs or gags, the most common cause of this reaction is a foreign body stuck in its throat. This can happen while eating, walking or playing in the garden, and the culprit is usually a piece of wood after playing with a branch, a bone chip from food or an ear of grass. The four-legged friend usually removes them with a strong cough. The situation becomes more serious when the pet, despite coughing, is unable to cough up the retained object or coughs up blood. Then it is necessary to visit a veterinarian who will take the appropriate intervention. Quick contact with a veterinarian is also needed in the case of any of the diseases listed below.

Respiratory tract infection

It often happens that a dog's cough is associated with respiratory diseases. As in humans, these diseases are either viral or bacterial in origin. There are two types of cough: dry and wet. Determining the type of cough is extremely important, because different types require different treatment. A dry cough is characterized by the absence of mucus. In addition, coughing fits are very difficult to control, the cough bothers the pet both day and night, his voice sounds thick and rough. A dry cough is often associated with a sore throat and suffering. It is most often associated with infection (especially influenza) or inflammation of the respiratory tract. A wet cough in dogs is a sign of a bacterial infection, especially when combined with a fever. If a wet cough is not treated with medication, it can develop into pneumonia with purulent sputum. Dogs with pneumonia are lethargic, lethargic, and have little appetite.

Heart diseases

Advanced heart disease with pulmonary edema is also accompanied by a wet, chronic cough. The dog regurgitates mucous sputum, which is usually described by caregivers as vomiting accompanied by a rather weak cough. Heart disease (especially enlargement of the heart muscle, or dilated cardiomyopathy) can also promote a dry cough, especially during physical activity. In this case, the cough is generally accompanied by fluid accumulation in the lungs, shortness of breath, weakness, and sometimes loss of consciousness. The charge coughs mainly at night, and it sounds like gurgling. The risk of this condition increases with age and is especially high in older dogs.


Hypersensitivity to allergens can lead to dry cough symptoms in dogs. In this case, it becomes crucial to determine under what circumstances the allergic reaction is aggravated.

Then, at the vet's office, list all the situations in which the dog coughs. Very often, simple solutions are enough, e.g. the use of an air purifier or humidifier. However, in the case of allergies, treatment is necessary, as neglect in this regard can lead to asthma.

Tracheal collapse

It is a chronic disease of the respiratory system that significantly limits the patency of the trachea. A typical symptom of this condition is wheezing and a dry cough in the dog, especially when excited. Small and miniature breeds (e.g. Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers) are particularly affected.

Note: Coughing in dogs does not sound the same as in humans. It often resembles a mixture of the gagging reflex and the reverse sneezing, i.e. a strong, paroxysmal inhalation of air through the nose.

How to treat a dog cough?

If your dog's cough lasts more than a few days or is accompanied by disturbing symptoms, e.g. fever, vomiting, you should visit the veterinarian as soon as possible. In case of infection, treatment with antibiotics or antiviral and antipyretic drugs is common. If your pet suffers from an allergic reaction, the vet will usually prescribe antihistamines. Heart disease, on the other hand, requires an in-depth diagnosis (including lung X-rays and ultrasound), and treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease as well as the age and general health of the animal. The choice of treatment methods for tracheal collapse is primarily influenced by clinical and blood tests, echocardiography, abdominal ultrasound and chest X-ray. One of the most modern methods of treating this disease is plastic surgery of ITS stent implantation.

How to help your dog when he coughs

In the case of a cough, it is worth trying to get proper care at home. First of all, your four-legged friend needs rest to recover. You should only take him for short walks and let him rest in his favorite place. You can also analyze whether the cough is caused by unfavorable weather conditions. It is possible that the pet froze or got wet in the rain. Short-haired dogs in particular are very sensitive in this respect. The use of special throat sprays (for dry coughs) or phlegm-relaxing syrup for wet coughs may be a good solution (after consulting your veterinarian). IMPORTANT that you do not give your dog medicines from the first aid kit. In addition, it is worth humidifying the air in the rooms when it is too dry.

Dog cough - prevention

Remember that:

  • Caring for a healthy immune system and necessary vaccinations protect your dog against viral diseases.
  • Viral infections spread faster in winter than in summer.
  • Health problems (including heart problems) can be age-related as well as breed-specific. It is worth finding out in advance about hereditary predispositions to
    your pet's illnesses.
  • Older dogs should be inspected once a year. This includes a complete blood count but also a chest X-ray.

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